Investigate Planned Parenthood

Just in 21233220_SAcase you wished to add your John Hancock to this petition, which you should especially if you claim the name of Christ, here is a link to a petition for President Obama to order the AG to investigate the actions of Planned Parenthood.

We need at least 100k signatures by August 20th – which should be easily done if you all share publicly and hashtag this militantly.

I, for one, would gladly have my tax-payer dollars at work even if only to be proven wholly wrong since they have already been used indiscriminately for things I will not stand for.

Click, e-sign, confirm, and share away… 5 seconds of work for you to do to put feet and hands to this.

Here are some of the popular ones: #anotherboy, #ppsellsbabyparts, #defundpp, #plannedparenthood (so those in support can see this too)

And another: